Creation Theory
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Evolutionist views of creationism, and societies destruction.

By A.E. Richard.
These are my comments on the evolutionist "" web home page, as at 20th January 2004, which I consider shows the problems that USA has as a result of generations of bad teaching, and a strong bias towards "MY rights", and shows the cause of the disaster that has brought this selfish and degrading attitude on society. title page:-
Giving creationism a chance to be science
By David F. Raikow

It's embarrassing that The United States has a serious and perennial problem with the pseudoscience of creationism, now called "Intelligent Design Theory".

My comments:
The pseudoscience claim is the normal evolutionary smokescreen, accusing others of their own shortcomings. Evolution uses science but then departs from it in extrapolating aspects to the extreme. Such as the variations within a species, which is genetically limited by the DNA, is extrapolated to pretend that it shows how a new species that eventually has totally different attributes to the original (ie any jump in the supposed progress from amoeba to man) can form by unguided accidents and mutations. Examples are the much hyped up peppered moth, (what is the name of the new species that evolved?) but the moth breeds as it always has, and the horse evolution, which has many different stories, but has only species that were separate with no scientific evidence connecting them, just imagination and good storytelling.

Creation science and intelligent design are not the same, although they discuss much the same data, and show up the foolishness of evolution, and the inherent problems with the hypothesis. ID lacks the main cause for the scientific study. If the truth is that God created as the Bible describes, then like evolutionists, ID can never find the truth, as it is outside the scope of their field of research. ID finds the complexity which is beyond the possibility of random chance, but cannot find out who assembled the first of that kind. Only creation science encompasses all the possibilities, and researches them scientifically.

Indeed the scientific and educational communities of our country frequently bemoan the state of science education in our country, and in a society faced with unprecedented ethical dilemmas, whose economy is dependent on technological advancement, scientific illiteracy is dangerous.

I also bemoan the state of science education in the US. Students are not being given all the relevant data, and taught how to evaluate different ideas. Why waste time teaching evolution to people who will be programming computers? It is totally irrelevant in all fields of technology, and chemistry. Teach them true science for the field they are studying. It is only by having both the true creationist scientific data to compare with the evolutionist claims that they will learn how to be truly scientific in their thinking. Fobbing them off with the false evolutionist claims as to what the creationist scientists are discovering, and true science, will leave them crippled in their thinking, as they will be afraid to research anything that may be tainted as being socially unacceptable.

You have been taught to look at the creationist view as being a narrowminded religion, but there are two separate aspects to it, the creation science aspect of it is good science. The religious side is the reason that there is a debate, as knowing that God did create means that there must be scientific evidence to show that He did, and that it is by far the most reasonable explanation for how we came to exist, also it shows that there is a purpose in life, and eternity. You will never see or understand it as you have been brainwashed to view everything strictly in the evolution belief paradigm. It's not until you escape from that, and look scientifically at the evidence, that you will realise that evolution has a lot of unsubstantiated hype that is seriously misleading.

As for the "unprecedented ethical dilemmas", since the evolutionary view, which is the same amoral view as humanism, has been taught and pushed on the public for many years, you are now reaping the problems, as many, if not most of the public are now amoral, so there is no reason not to steal, rob, or beat people up, or murder. School murders will increase as there is no moral standard inherent in evolution. It just slides lower and lower, as everybody claims their "rights" without regard to the rights and well-being of others, or as to what is the best basis for the community. Prisons have become a "revolving door" for those who have no proper moral standards. Babies are aborted, now even at the time of birth their brains are removed. Many people want to adopt babies but can't get them. All the children know this by the time they are in high school, so what does that teach them about the real-life value of people? Obviously society doesn't value you! You are just pond-scum, so why not try drugs, why not kill someone who annoys you, even your classmates, if you have been belittled in their sight? Why not steal, why not murder, if you can get away with it in this life? Evolution has no moral values!

Schoolgirls can be taken to have an abortion without their parents' knowledge, which can have a catastrophic effect on their life and behaviour, because of stress over what they have done, keeping a secret from their parents, or because of permanent reproductive damage. But the law expects parents to teach children proper behaviour and keep them under control, without knowing what dreadful things are gnawing at the child's emotions. This is "political correctness" taken to a stupid extent where doctors and hospitals often won't tell parents what is wrong with their child, and probably don't tell the child either. This leaves the parents "flying blind" as they try to guide their children.

The Judeo-Christian belief has very strong morals, which make for a good safe society, that is why it is under attack. Evolution has taught people that there are no morals. It has taught situational ethics, so then they hope to destroy Gods standards so they will feel free to do many things that are not good for them or society, and their conscience doesn't bother them as they are only evolved pond-scum, for so they have been taught. But the prevalence of evidence of God's standards makes their consciences twinge, so they go on the warpath to remove all references to God and good moral standards, by legal means and by teaching evolution and humanism, both of them religions, that are taught in school.

. . . .Yes, America has some of the best colleges and universities in the world, . . . .
Yes I can agree with that, but they lack the teaching of proper moral and ethical standards, because they deliberately undermine them with situational ethics, and evolution, which is disastrous for the fabric of society. The nation is reaping the effect of generations of morals sliding into an amoral abyss. It is the lack of moral standards that is destroying the nation, more so than any lack in the field of science. Evolution has destroyed the purpose and value of life, evolved "pond scum" has no value, no purpose, why battle through problems to achieve success? Teach proper moral standards, and that we have a God given purpose, and future after this life, and societies problems will start to go away, as people realise the truth.
A.E. Richard.

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